
一开始,一直在考虑金钱的问题,一度想放弃去这个camp,但看见所有朋友都去,于是我决定把薪水拿出来,同时也很感谢妈妈同意让我去.. 谢啦~

这个假期我一直期待这天的来临,一直提醒manager别忘了给我放假,一直和toto倒数... 懒惰收拾行李... 哈哈

后来这天终于来了!! 12月17日
把行李都放上车后就和妈妈say bye bye~ 然后就去载我的宝贝啦. 一路上我们一直担心带不够衣服啦及很多很好笑又无聊的问题. 紧张嘛 大家应该也一样吧?
到了那边,笑惨了,一直想挑战reverse parking 的我不懂 NG 了多少次,哈哈哈哈哈,搞到我和toto在车里笑翻了,太感谢帮我拿行李的AJK了,我还记得他的名! 子贤! 希望没记错哦 谢谢你
hmmm,一开始呀我们就坐在礼堂里等待... 无聊没事做,当然是 来张自拍啦


分组后,很自然的就是口号和选组长,跟其他的camp一样不例外,但这次还需要设计组别标志,由于是第一组,所以我们就叫做 One Piece. 给大家介绍我的组有谁吧 首先是组长: 纪政辉, 接着有同班同学,太巧了吧 : sophia 和馨惠, 中二同班过的义景 ,新朋友: 凯婷,伟安,爱萱,鼎沅,乐颖,婉欣和彦昱

其实老实说我已经忘记所有的station game的次序了,就哪一天玩过什么都快忘记了,当然我会尽我所能记起来. 还好在工委那拿到了很多照片,不然我的小脑袋肯定记不起来。下面这站都不懂我的组长喝了接近4or5罐的水,有没有水肿,壮烈牺牲啊~

接着就skip去晚餐啦,第一次在camping里看到buffet. 当然吃得不多,不是很有胃口.对不起啊AJK一直偷你们的照片,借我用har...


最爱的环节就是团辅啦~ 对不起呀,第一天我的表现真的很烂,没分享到什么,不过慢慢的我真的爱上了这团辅,说出很多不敢说,一些不该说的,听到别人的故事也很想用力点点头表示同意,那些感觉,好特别... 特别感谢辅导员子阳和佑恒... 虽然回到家才发现团辅的纸不见了,但是相信保持联络比那几张纸来的重要吧?

Day Two 18/12/12
接着有每天3餐的照片,但同样的,我也不大记得饭盒是哪天的了,不过第二张是去paradise hotel那里吃buffet 的,最后一张汤圆是两位帅哥辅导员为我们准备的!
第二天真的是很激烈的一天,从来没想过station game 可以在校外玩,过马路时组长总是先保护我们,有帅哦. camping 的游戏大部分base on Running Man,argh 超后悔没有看咯... 有时候不是很懂他们在玩什么. 最让人印象深刻的是要抓虫虫的那个game,omg! 难以形容,手也是有发抖,但是我很快就过了因为怕越等就越害怕,hahahaha,超恶心的我还拍起来,难以置信,geli到~ 还记得站长说,要有改变的力量 hahahaa,真的是太好笑了. 

游戏后我们到econsave集合然后开始买菜咯,我们买了mayonise,potato,hotdog,cabbage,tomato 这几样简单的食材,rm11 only


虽然有听说有night game 这咚咚,但是很好笑的是惠慈在前面说没有这个游戏时我还真的相信了,或许是因为拖鞋坏了,心情真的很差,所以希望早点休息。在礼堂里,荧幕上放着 self descipline。 太牛了,工委骂我们后礼堂的后门门随着拉下,令人听了都想尖叫,每一扇门也有次序地关上,效果十足! 人们的自然反应就是反过头去看那些门,当回过头时,荧幕上播的不再是纪律的页面,而是可怕的惊悚的血腥的画面。游戏规则就在里面,笨蛋的我完全没有去看。现在想起超后悔的,因为同样的,我根本不知道游戏是怎样玩,其实这是我最pekcek的地方。同组的婉欣也被吓哭了,让我有种真的进入这游戏的感觉,很逼真,很恐怖。游戏开始时,我们套上了手铐,当手铐断了就会被hunter抓去。hunter的脚上穿着铃铛,所以我们听得到。整晚我和sophia赤脚跑透透... 真的是很累的一个夜晚,都快一边跑一边睡了,都不知道是不是老了 =(  一下下都顶不到 打电话的part也是很好笑,原来纸上的电话号码错了... 哈哈... 公共电话最后也坏了... 贞子最后也被打到苦了,辛苦了啊~ 谢谢工委们准备的这个游戏... 好玩

Thrid day,early in the morning,we have breakfast at canteen,yeah finally have something i like! Sandwich and milo ,at least this is better than fried noodles... 吃完早餐后就浩浩荡荡地乘坐巴士过槟岛去,目的地: Paradise hotel beach~ 由于培吉“老大”昨晚已经向我们解释如何堆沙城堡,我们二话不说就把base先建起来。好像贪心了一点我们组弄到很大个base结果高的建筑物并没有成功,不过内容还算丰富,有金字塔,城墙,mickey mouse,不过认识我的人都知道,弄这些都没有我的份,在旁边自己玩自己的(我常做的事) 这次我有尽力参进去但是.. ok la 忘了它... 当然在沙滩也发生了让我不大开心的事,我的水罐有了伤口,ipod也是... 好就好在皮外伤而以 == 

接着就在paradise hotel 那里吃buffet,炒饭不好吃,不过sandwich好吃... 然后去厕所聊天,haha没错,聊到没有地点了,只好在清静的厕所聊天,很高兴有朋友可以那么一起八卦,thanks sophia n catherine.过后我们就去youth park..erm 没有玩到这场,所以只是在旁边纳凉着~ 

不用说,我每次去哪个camping都好我都是睡不着的,加上这个camp是玩到半夜的,对我而言根本就是躺在地上等天亮,一直听到声音,真的很... 算了谁叫我很难在别位入睡。第一晚和第二晚都没睡到,感谢上天,在巴士上终于睡着了!! 高兴到我... 



第四天就是我期待已久的paintball la~~

恭喜 One Piece team 1 成功得到第一名~ yeah 

接着是water game,我没有玩~ 参加那么多camp第一次没有玩到,emo 咯~ 听说还有冰水~

晚上的烛光晚餐 与美女爱萱

当然还是要感谢陪着我的toto啦~ hehehe

最后 let's picture talk XD

-the end-

Chocolate Lava Cake

Wake up early in the morning and clean my house. Hehe because my friends is coming to my house to bake chocolate lava cake. All of them look sleepy,kinda pity them because let me call them to wake up so early. Thankyou Toto,Koko and Beexian for come to have fun with me! Love you o.

  •  3 yolks and 2 normal eggs
  •  200g flour 
  •  100g sugar ( we put 200g and end up too sweet )
  •  1/3 bar of unsalted butter
  • 250g of dark chocolate bar
from the size we prepared,those ingredients is sufficient to make for 9 little chocolate lava cakes

serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
the combination of hot and cold is just pairing!

Nikon J1

Good Morning readers. "Babe finally you home!" It was like owh FINALLY! I went to Gurney for three times just for this camera - Nikon J1. Red Body with single lens. At last I decide to buy it at camera planet,a big camera fair. One of the reason i buy from there is the pinky tiny 8gb thumbdrive and the white leather camera case. Free gift is just so attractive for me, I am not a wise consumer. lol. My first experience to buy things from fair,at first i thought if I do like this will be very hard to repair or to exchange when it damage,but they told me one of their shop just located at Jusco. OK deal. My mom observed that I spent 1 and a half hour just for payment of this camera. Seriously,tired of walking up and down,I wonder why their store locate at a dusty place. A runner sent u there and u get your camera there. So weird,after get your camera,return to ground floor to claim the free gift. What the? Gastric just suddenly pay me a visit when I checking my camera. This is one of the stuff that I purchased with my own salary. Quite satisfied with it. Hmmm,so stay tuned for my next post, I will use J1 to capture some photo to share at my blog.

bad luck?

Bad Luck? 
No!! It was premiditated by someone or a clique

everyone just stay ALERT when you park at parking lot no matter inside or outside of TOKUN


the alarm of the car won't ring after open by the theif
My friends and I met this problem,we lost our stuff which is put inside our car

I suspect that he/she/they just observe us at high area with using telescope or they just pretend like parking or whatever shit,they maybe just stand beside you to see what you keep inside your car or inside the bonnet. So guys don't leave your stuff inside the car no matter it is costing or not... If you really have to keep it,hide it before you reach the destination so you can avoid yourself from being the victim

Just a small advice

compress the diaries

left to right
Mooncake festival night,Sentosa food court
Penang Timesquare,Kaijun's house warming
Northam Beach,Liangyuan

It is all about Toasters :
with boss at his new house,his new house is so nice especially the oven at his kitchen. All the wallpaper nice. Due to we all are hungry,we went Penang Northam Beach to have our supper,what a crazy action. We get Heineken from uncle,so happy. haha. Sorry for being insane after i take a little beer. After that i went overnight at Koko's house.

gathering night and steamboat!

Photoshooting at Penang Street 
Meet Fresh at Gurney
Dinner at Gurneydrive

day before kaijun leave penang,we hav dinner with tangtakwai n his pretty gf yuetong at pizza hut auto city. then after Kaijun pack his stuff he rushed to meet us at Coffee Bean. Chillin' Recalling a lot of memories and we found out kaijun not really understand what happen inside class XD but nevermind you are our forever monitor!

 1 Sept 2012
it was so hard to see Toto wake up so early XD
we went tokun and dimsum at huangzuo after that
guess what? a teacher from our school treat us our breakfast,that is too shocked for us and we just keep say thanks to that teacher,really Thanks,her son is very cute too

While waiting others to arrive so we take a lot of photo to take away our bored. the future enginners

Dinner at Yea Buffet 

23/9/2012 n 21/10/2012
both day we went tokun but the first one we didnt reach the last station 
@ymin @gary @yuyu @koko @simi
but the second time we success
@koko @yuyu @simi
but sad case happened on the second time we went,theif stole our 2 hp and 2 purses
sorry for that

okay finish the toaster part,i would like to share some random pic that happen around in back-half of this year 2012.. Working, Classmate and Family but usually my family dont like to take photo

all of them resign lol

 happy birthday to bee xian 

 Happy birthday Ah Pong
touched right? no matter how far we are,nowadays we have internet XD

L6A3 classmates

Taekwondo Helper

with primary school friends

bro and cousins at Chatime KampungBaru

Form2's buddies


Good Luck to my readers and also candidates for tmr's MUET exam

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