Australia Trip Day2 Day3

It was day two at Sydney and we went to Bondi Beach early in the morning. It was the coolest summer I had, the lowest was 16 degree celsius. 

So blue
Hmmm, wish to learn how to skate so much
Get our morning coffee here, by the sea

We enjoyed walking the Coastal walk from Bondi Beach to Coogee Beach with the cool sea breeze. 

They said this suit me much
After that we took bus to Sydney Fish Market. There was crowded with all visitors who come for the freshness of seafood. We were tried to find the cheapest way to fix our lunch here. Salmon rice, Cheese bake scallop and Fish&chips ...
Because it was at Sydney Fish Market, so these seafood were our lunch *nommmm*

Market City in Sydney!

I had bought some souvenir for my friend from here 

The Bird Cage Alley

St Mary Catholic Church

Dinner at Mama's 

Yumi is happy with her green tea ice cream

This is the place we had our breakfast at our backpacker hostel every morning. Sydney Central Backpacker hostel's wifi wasn't that stable but I still appreciated it because there wasn't easy to access free wifi in Australia.

After finished our simple breakfast, we heading to University of Sydney and start our trip on day 3. 

University of Sydney

Thank Julianna for letting us know this Glebe Market which is just a stone's throw from University of Sydney. 

E = MC2  |  Energy = Milk Coffee Coffee

Court House
There was a long queue to get this hot item, the watermelon cake from Black Star Pastry. Limited space for seat but it was fine. After we grabbed the cake, we finished it quickly and left because of the crowd was kinda crazy.
Black Star Pastry - Watermelon cake
After we checked out from Sydney Central Backpacker Hostel, we walked around places nearby with our big backpack. We travelled from Sydney to Melbourne by overnight in the bus, it was really cold. The bus driver drove not really fast because there were wild kangaroos crossing the road. 

Australia Trip Day1

26/11/2015 我们到达澳洲的第一天,兴奋可以和Koko见面啦!

虽然说我和Mayi设了几个闹钟以防我们赶不上巴士,但遗憾的我们根本没睡下去,预先在凌晨4点我们就到厕所刷牙洗脸... 到了巴士站等777号的巴士前往机场... 来了一辆不是777的巴士,好心的司机叔叔不收费的把我们载到了比较大的车站,而777巴士就在那儿... 前往机场的费用是$7.50,到达机场后我们都安心了一些... 

而我又在泡了杯面来吃,是Nisshin的Black Pepper Crab口味...  看了天气预测说会是热天,我们就换了短袖和涂了防晒... 在努力尝试如何绑bun的我最后还是投降了... 有那么一个念头就是Koko的Housemate应该会绑... 就耐心的等着Koko和Housemate的到来... 

Koko简单的介绍了室友Yumi给我们认识,I'm sorry, I forgot the first impression to Yumi,我连看见Koko都没有立刻反应过来... 这种缺乏睡眠的痴呆好像经常发生... 然后我们就从Gold Coast飞往Sydney咯,我在飞机上简直是踩足油门的睡睡睡... 三天坐了三次飞机就今天终于忍不住睡着了,就连煎熬的八小时我都睡不着我真的佩服我自己... 

这次的全程导航是Koko,辛苦你啦! 我们来到了我们接着两晚会住的Sydney Central Backpacker Hostel,由于太迟才预订我们错过了好地点和好价位的背包客栈,No worry Be Happy,经过第一晚的经历,真心觉得有瓦遮头已经more than enough... 本来还有一个很邪恶的提议就是来睡一个午觉, Don't you feel that if can have a nap time is the best? ... Haha... 把包包放下后我们就去吃午餐啦,不可以任性... 来到这间需要排队的Pancake On The Rocks,点了一个Chicken & Bacon Pizza 和 Black Forest Cherry Pancake
Chicken & Bacon Pizza $17.95
Black Forest Cherry Pancake $14.95

We had our dinner at Tenkomori Ramen House @ Regent Place. I ordered a Kara-Age Mayo Bowl, it was some deep fried chicken and rice with lots of mayonnaise on top, Yum yum ! I ordered it because it was cheap but just a small portion. Koko and Yumi ordered ramen which I really wish to have but having meal in Australia was making me heartache. After we had dinner, girls always go for desserts! We had Aqua S 's Sea salt with Earl Gret soft serve, the colour of the ice cream was so adorable. I like the taste too , the sweetness wasn't kill me. 

Kara-Age Mayo Bowl $4.50
Sea Salt w Earl Gret soft serve $3.80

We were heading to Sydney Chinatown by walking, ya everywhere in Sydney is like walking distance and the weather was so so so chill and relaxing. Chinatown was nothing special for me, may be I didn't find out what is nice over there. Koko brought us to try the emperor's puff, a small bite of freshly made custard puff and ya quite a lot people queuing there. I found a really cheap croissant at the bakery shop there!

Darling Harbour
We enjoyed our night here because there is a huge playground, I was playing like using all of my battery until I can fall asleep while waiting bus. Hahaha. The night view at Darling Harbour was really awesome which make me keep taking out my camera to capture some nice shots.

非常充实的一天,至少我们与计划中该去的景点都去到了... 嘻嘻闹闹的玩乐... 回到背包客栈,我躺在床上很快的就睡着了... 我总合了24/11 和 25/11的 两个没睡着的八小时 一次过 睡死了.. 从未可以那么自豪的在第一晚就睡着,而且是比她们都还要早... 姐真的累了

遭小偷记 好桑心

一年一度的Penang Bridge Marathon是非常隆重和受瞩目的,而且大桥是会封起来不能通行的。因为隔天做早班,所以我打算在槟城宿舍住一晚... 做早班的我工作完后回到家冲个凉吃个晚餐又在出发到槟城,因为我不喜欢迟到也不喜欢不能预测的忙碌或塞车... 也是我身上流着少数像是摩羯座血里的责任感...

没料到在家里出发前我就发现我的副驾驶座的门锁坏了,是整个不能按下去的那种,我只拿了一个装脏衣服的包包下车,因为我喜欢在车里换鞋子和选鞋子,所以我大部分的鞋子都会在车里... 但我也没有拿出来,有那么一点任性... 赶在12am封桥前我就匆匆忙忙的开去槟城了...

到了槟城我叫Jerwigs载我回宿舍然后让他把车子泊在China House前的停车格里因为我早上懒惰找车位我只想走路上班... 任性咯... 早上我穿着拖鞋去开店打算过一下子再去换鞋... 终于忙完了我坐在车里就奇怪为什么视觉上那么空,原来是被小偷清空了... 粗心大意的后果,千金难买早知道... 我好像只能怪自己... 带着超沉重的心情回去工作,我完全逃避不敢想有什么东西被偷... 我翻完全车正着急没有鞋子可以穿去工作时忽然手伸到座位底下摸到了我的Converse,可能小偷找得不仔细吧。真感谢他留了一双我的生日礼物给我。整辆车大概就剩下这双鞋,一个座垫,还有两件他看不起的衣服...


  1. 在台湾买的熊猫头
  2. 朋友送我的填色书和卡片
  3. 在台湾买的外套 (害我在澳洲冷到半死)
  4. 一双穿不到一个月新的跑步鞋
  5. 一双RosheRun
  6. Toto送我的铅笔盒
  7. Jerwigs送我的墨镜
  8. 防滑垫 连防滑垫也不放过!
  9. 一双皮质楔形高跟鞋

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