It just a bad day, Not a bad life

It wasn't a good idea to share something bad in my blog, but I have to scream it out loud to release my anger. It was just a bad day, not a bad life. It was my day off and I'd plan to hang out with my roommate Winnie, so we woke up early in the morning. When I was opening my car bonnet, Winnie was shocking because she saw my car have been pouring paint by others. I was so so angry than panic because I know I have to spend extra money on this shit, further more my baby was just only one month with me!! I touched at the paint and it was still wet, in fact I wished it was water paint that I can easily wipe off but unfortunately it was oil paint. Glad that Winnie was with me all the time, abuden I will kisiao alone. I learnt something new which I can't wash the paint with thinner water when they are on glasses, it will spoilt the glass by turning it blur. Chee's dad suggested we to went to hardware shop to get some utensils to remove the paint. Basically the paint was majority pour on the front mirror which cause I can't drive my car away and the rest was a small part on the left side of car body. The left front tire was punch by a small screw. Thankyou China House family, because Amir and Safiq came to lend me a hand! I guess now I know how to change tire if I am alone.


thankyou winnie!! 
Safiq brought me to police station to make report, we was riding motor in the rain. Thankyou Safiq !! After that, Amir escorted my car to Perodua service centre because I hardly see the traffic. The technician said that if I changed my front mirror only will cost me RM300 and haven't include all other damage. So he suggested us to send it to car wash, they charged us the same RM300 which included every part but my wiper was gone. While waiting they wash the car, we went to Old Town to have our brunch. It took around 2 hours to completely clean my car. Thankyou my heroes of the day : Winnie, Safiq, Amir, Chee and all china house family!!

Selamat Hari Raya

It was the third year I celebrated Hari Raya with my fellow colleagues. Selamat Hari Raya, minta maaf zahir dan batin. 

The team on Day 1

Greetings from the bar, Safiq was on leave to celebrate raya! 
with Christopher the new part timer
i look so fat beside him  
annoying Amir was late to take the group photo haha

#Loona and Warina

Jim Natasha
My old love Fitri haha

 Day 2

Terima kasih Kak Ayu for the pretty baju kebaya
Winnie and I 

with Oppa

Meow 29.0

Meow 29.0
Daily work routine as usual, have a date with colleagues hehe! 

29.1 Sharing Planet
It was a really big portion for sharing but we have to walk so far to here. Sharing Planet has nice environment and good food.
Grilled Garlic Butter Fish

Grilled Cajun Fish

Grilled Chicken Chop

29.2 Riverside Superbowl
Finally made a reservation for playing bowling after a long walk to here

Because he can not wait

Meow 23.0

23.0  这次会来到Kuching真的是出乎意料,前一晚是晚班的我依然还赖在被窝里... 闹钟是很尽责的响了两次,但我仍然继续睡,这是我的off day啊,我只想 任性 ... 直到11点多,感觉这个闹钟怎么不一样声音啊... Astaga,白痴是电话响啊... 早知道就不接这个电话了.... 事情的种种不愉快但只有接受... 白眼都翻到后脑勺去了... 这个off day计划要办的事都泡汤了... 而我就搭当晚的飞机到Kuching啦....

23.1 大排长龙的队伍还有超重的行李 Air Asia, Everyone Can Fly 
眼看还有一小时就要登记的我依然卡在这个混着各种国家的人,还有一大堆旅行团的队伍里... 我不禁内心叹气及焦急... 我不得不承认我有些容易躁郁... 看到这种画面,我有些想哭还有想直接掉头就走... 排队之前我发现了我的行李超重了... 我打回公司... 看来是个愚蠢的举动毕竟他们真的帮不了我... 无奈之下.., 硬着头皮还是得去drop off baggage... 眼看三个十分钟过去我都只移动了一丁点... 我真的很叫小S帮我叫车回家的! 最后 "Last Call for Kuching" "Last Call for Kuching" Astaga! 终于可以走 express counter, 乘坐Air Asia那么多次, 我第一次感觉到人情味,因为那个空服人员帮我把我的行李分解了,帮我重新打包,虽然真的很狼狈,但至少我不需要支付任何的超重费用... 他说那些都是钱,能省下来就别花冤枉的了... 一整个贴心到不行,至少我觉得他安慰我的心灵多过那个打电话叫我到Kuching却解决不了我问题的经理来的好太多了,真可惜没记到他的名字,表扬乐于助人的好员工是必须的! 要知道我一旦陷入紧张或焦虑的情况我就会胃抽筋... 怎么还会有闲情去看他的名字呢,但身为服务业一份子的,姐就敬你一杯啦! 我用了超难看的塑料袋把剩余无法托运行李的东西装了起来,依然狼狈,快步走向登机门,,, 

23.2 平时一面的老板娘
在排队上飞机时遇到了老板娘,她主动问我需不需要帮我拿那些水果,当然她也蛮在意那个Avocado,在我手上好像被折磨那样,当然我也装作不是很重那样和她挥手示意没那么重... 托她的福我还升级坐在前座呢... 虽然工作了两年,但我对她依然抱着很多的胆怯,在飞机上的她却格外安静,打开laptop默默工作起来,她递了一本杂志给我,说道 " I do my work, you do your reading" 她的蓝色包包和平时的风格显得有些不同,包里装了好多刊物和文件... 她递给我的是一本美食杂志,里边她心仪的食谱她就打了星星然后把上角折了起来.... 没想到我专心阅读时,看到了她最喜欢的曲奇饼那一面,她忽然打破沉静,很兴奋的说那是她最喜欢的Afghan Cookies,我完全没察觉她其实有在留意我,或者只是个碰巧她看见我翻到那一面然后找个话题,但也蛮吓倒我的...

23.3 好久不见的 Chee
内心非常感谢她的壮烈牺牲,在Kuching卡了两个星期回不去... 也帮助我们解决面对了缺乏人手的时段... 当然她来这里时很开心的,大丰收... 加上啤酒那么便宜的说!! Yen带了我们去City One Mall 吃了Chee超想在离开前吃的 Pezzo 过后,我们回酒店休息... 晚上续摊,5 foot way与另一群疯狂的同事们... 从前你问我,我肯定不喜欢夜生活... 我不喜欢酒,不喜欢烟... 但是环境改变的是我的观点,用了一年多的时间学习接受后,我不抗拒他们在我旁边又烟又酒,而会不介意他们笑我点了一杯 Ribena或者是 Cranberry Juice,参与这一群疯子的话题... 从听不懂国语,英语,到慢慢开始明白他们在笑什么... 这一晚我依然奇葩似的点了 100 Plus... 从前,我会以为来这种地方的都是坏人... 后来才发现,坏人哪里都有,他们不需要约好一起来这里,虽然的确在这里遇到坏人几率比较高是真的啦... 而我对这群同事的看法是,他们只是不喝咖啡果汁,喝的是啤酒,但是大家聚在一起的目的一样,就是开开心心的聊天,很笨的话题,因为放工了,大家都卸下面具了... 自从 Chee 辞职以来,我就像少了很大的支柱,在工作上我无可否认她真的给我很大的鼓励... 所以很想念当初和她一起工作的日子.... 一起大唱周杰伦的歌... 

23.4 Open Air Gula Apong Ice Cream
Due to Gary's sore throat we went to have porridge as supper... We ordered the gula apong ice cream, it is really famous in Kuching, please go to have a try. The flavor of the day was pandan flavor and we chose the famous amos cookies as topping.

So sad that Chee and Samantha taking next morning's flight to go back Penang, but still appreciate that I managed to meet them for one night. Is it my off day well spent? Yea, sort of, but it's still better if they can let me know I need to go Kuching in a better way and earlier... and Dear manager J, learn to say thanks even your are really in super higher position than me, I didn't owe you anything...

Meow 22.0

22.0 我的人生是怎么了啊 设了三个闹钟居然到最后一个才醒来... 看着还有一些没有收拾好的行李内心真的很 骂脏话 我已经不去在乎有没有冲凉这个问题了 但是鼓起勇气打算冲很快时居然没有热水 幹 立马冲出来把行李收拾好走人

22.1 又是可恶的Taxi Driver!
司机大叔 你是怎样!  我向你说 Good Morning Uncle 你不理我 我再说 Uncle 早安 你也不理我 整个Kuching的taxi司机是怎么了! 到了机场说好的RM28变RM30,跟我住同一间旅馆的外国游客也遇到了一样的问题,我们在机场相遇时,我问了他们司机跟你们收多少,果然也是RM30... 而且很瞎耶 大叔 我向你要的收据呢???? 好吧

22.2 不知不觉 这个月也来到了5号
好像是又要回到现实那种感觉... 在Kuching的我很少去察觉今天是星期几,今天是几号... 提款出来的钱用得了一天是一天,而回到现实,我又得斤斤计较...

22.3 战利品 & Souvenir 
有: 黑胡椒,干盘面,印花裤子,咕噜面,典型keychain...

22.4 等待 Waiting
为了避开车龙,提前到了机场好几个小时,又在打开laptop... 写啊写... 还有鱼柳堡与登记证...

22.5 可爱的Line主题飞机
虽然搭飞机次数一直在增加但是每次还是会有小兴奋,感觉总是不同的.... 一到达槟城身体感官第一个探测到的就是热,离开了阴天的Kuching,回到现实就算了,还有快把我变烤猪的热天气...

22.6 Penang My Home!
踏回熟悉的 China House, 看见了 John 叔叔,莫名的有安全感... 不就是三个星期,好像对自己家的咖啡机显得有些陌生了... 妈妈特地来载我回家,反正也到了,就约她一起吃我的最爱- CF 辣椒板面... 无论怎么抱怨,家永远是最棒的,回到我的被窝,幸福啦!!

Meow 14.0

14.0 Second day off over here and had a food hunt with Samantha and Gary! Thankyou Narelle for forcing Gary to bring us out to have her favourite food! I was teasing by Gary and Samantha because I get high on eating Gong Pia.

14.1 China House Kuching #chinahousek
While waiting Gary to come China House, I was really hungry because never had my breakfast yet. So I ordered Hokkien Spaghetti in the menu which I really want to try long time ago. I was keep recommended this to customer even I never try this but I felt it worth a try. Why not? Noodles is my all time favourite!

14.2 Song Kheng Hai Food Court
Gary ordered all those famous food for us which was Narelle recommended. 我自己选了个人会回头去吃的Top3是 : Gong Pia , Tomato Crispy Noodles and CocoCane ! 对第一次买到很难咽下去的Gong Pia是抱有很大的偏见, 所以我并没有冲动去点Gong Pia. 真的多谢Gary动作够快不然我都快去说我不要吃这个了... 差一点擦肩而过... 我的天 真的太好吃了,吃了会上瘾,而且不腻! 我没想那么多就立刻再多点了cheese口味的Gong Pia来试,拜托不要放希望,不要浪费时间... 没什么特别,但是也好吃只是少了点什么... 我和Samantha毫不犹豫就外带20个 不管要请谁吃或自己吃完,买就对了,绝不放过!! 对于Tomato Crispy Noodle 我没什么印象我之前吃过吗? 但是在这里工作期间我吃过Zul煮的staff meal, 他的汤底原来比外面的甜那么多,如果没有在外面吃到我真的会觉得他煮的是正常的甜度...
CocoCane = Coconut + Sugar Cane Juice
Belacan Bihun

Rojak Sotong

Sio Bi

Gong Pia

Tomato Crispy Noodles

Cheese Gong Pia 

One more please. Thanks to Samantha

14.3 Earthlings 
询问了同事有哪几间Kuching比较有实力的cafe,他们就介绍了Earthlings给我... 很详细的menu,对我而言以卖咖啡为主的咖啡馆就应该要有这种主打的饮料和豆子... Samantha was attracted by Coffee Snowman because of its description : Vanilla ice-cream bathed in ice latte topped with cocoa powder. hahahaha, she said that make sure the vanilla ice cream is BATHED in the ice latte and making us keep laughing. My first choice was Panama but unfortunately the bean finished already so I picked the Ethiopia Sidamo Washed Shakiso. It is strawberry at the beginning and ends with jasmine tea taste. I was sitting at the bar area to see the process but I was too shy to start any conversation with the barista. 

Ethiopia Sidamo Washed Shakiso

Coffee Snowman

14.4 黄飞鸿之英雄有梦
目标明确 就是来看帅哥无误 
听了五月天的 那么久 却迟迟没有多余的时间来让我这样好好做下来看一部戏,感谢之前Jason提醒了我关于 黄飞鸿之英雄有梦 我才会有这个Idea要看这部戏来打发我off day的漫漫长夜... 只有在Kuching才难得可以那么放松,放慢平时的脚步,打开laptop,看一部戏,感恩

Meow 12.0 and Meow 13.0

12.0 下定决心说要运动的我终于在今天成功的踏出门,但是跑没有一下就感觉地心引力很重... 看到椅子就莫名的坐下到底是不是老了的迹象... Kuching的风景很美,就算坐在路边的长椅上也是很享受,车子不多,扰乱不了我的思绪 逛了便利商店买了饮用水和杯面后就回旅馆梳洗准备工作.... 这样的早晨不算浪费掉,可以发呆,多么奢侈... Good Morning! 

12.1 Life Cafe 决定再来第二次很安静又有电源插座的人间茶坊
虽然环境真的还不错但是他们播放的音乐有种催眠的感觉。同事介绍我这里的麻辣面不错所以就点了一份来试一试。和想象中的麻辣面差的有点远,虽然好吃但不到那种非吃不可的境界。面的口感弹牙我喜欢,但至于麻辣的部分就对我而言这叫酸辣,吃到这碗面不禁让我想念CF 的板面,我想要先在搭飞机回去吃!! (夸张的) 店员一样要理不理的继续玩手机和聊天,我就打开laptop 开始慢慢写 blog.... 

12.2 How to define a barista life? 咖啡师只是一场梦
先不要问我对咖啡的热忱和热情,不要和我谈梦想,不要问我咖啡师薪水多少,先让我深呼吸把这些被子洗完呗... 忙碌也过一天,清闲也一天,但是忙比较刺激的说....

13.0 Everyone will have their kind of Monday Blue. I usually don't have because work as a barista or in F&B line, we pray hard weekend end faster. 没有蓝色星期一的我们,带着轻松的心情去上班希望会是一个美好的星期... 

13.1 孩子,这只是雨天,你得相信会放晴的 
没有下雨很久的槟城,你们还好吗? 在古晋不是阴天就是雨天很凉爽,不要太羡慕... 虽然不是很喜欢下雨天的我,也是会有享受的一天... Samantha and I send our clothes to laundry and walk in the rain, I was so lucky that John left his poncho for me so my dress didn't get wet but shoes yes. John叔叔就是那么疼我,不要羡慕嫉妒恨... 

13.2 Crispy Pork  烧猪肉!
It was Michie's off day but he was so so so lovely and being caring to us because he brought us this!! ASTAGAA!! It is crispy pork, drive me really crazy lahhhh, everyday makan chicken I already so sien liao... 

13.3 Drunk Monkey 
Having fun with Sam, Samantha, Gary and Robert after work at Drunk Monkey. It is a bar near to our work place which located at Carpenter Street and they have the craziest bartender over there. Damn they ordered this for me, one shot of Bailey's and for sure I can't finish it.... Make it become a milkshake can kah? 

Meow 10.0 and 11.0

10.1 Kucing in Kuching #chinahousek
穿工人装工作感觉心情美美哒 MEOW
10.2 Instant Japanese Curry Udon
感谢 Samantha 帮我煮

10.3 Lok Lok
离不开 KOLOK 面 ·|   宵夜  炒Kolok面

11.1 Espresso 即熟悉又陌生的朋友
接到电话要我提早去China House 花上了一个小时半 喝了不知道多少杯浓缩 都还是失败了

11.2 Picniq 
Tempur-AAred Mushroom Burger 慰劳已受创的心灵 还有弥补快要被浓缩给弄穿的胃

有冷气吹 没有人和我抢wifi 不写blog哪里对得起自己?

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