Meow 14.0
17:1814.1 China House Kuching #chinahousek
While waiting Gary to come China House, I was really hungry because never had my breakfast yet. So I ordered Hokkien Spaghetti in the menu which I really want to try long time ago. I was keep recommended this to customer even I never try this but I felt it worth a try. Why not? Noodles is my all time favourite!
14.2 Song Kheng Hai Food Court
Gary ordered all those famous food for us which was Narelle recommended. 我自己选了个人会回头去吃的Top3是 : Gong Pia , Tomato Crispy Noodles and CocoCane ! 对第一次买到很难咽下去的Gong Pia是抱有很大的偏见, 所以我并没有冲动去点Gong Pia. 真的多谢Gary动作够快不然我都快去说我不要吃这个了... 差一点擦肩而过... 我的天 真的太好吃了,吃了会上瘾,而且不腻! 我没想那么多就立刻再多点了cheese口味的Gong Pia来试,拜托不要放希望,不要浪费时间... 没什么特别,但是也好吃只是少了点什么... 我和Samantha毫不犹豫就外带20个 不管要请谁吃或自己吃完,买就对了,绝不放过!! 对于Tomato Crispy Noodle 我没什么印象我之前吃过吗? 但是在这里工作期间我吃过Zul煮的staff meal, 他的汤底原来比外面的甜那么多,如果没有在外面吃到我真的会觉得他煮的是正常的甜度...CocoCane = Coconut + Sugar Cane Juice |
Belacan Bihun |
Rojak Sotong |
Sio Bi |
Gong Pia |
Tomato Crispy Noodles |
Cheese Gong Pia |
One more please. Thanks to Samantha |
14.3 Earthlings
询问了同事有哪几间Kuching比较有实力的cafe,他们就介绍了Earthlings给我... 很详细的menu,对我而言以卖咖啡为主的咖啡馆就应该要有这种主打的饮料和豆子... Samantha was attracted by Coffee Snowman because of its description : Vanilla ice-cream bathed in ice latte topped with cocoa powder. hahahaha, she said that make sure the vanilla ice cream is BATHED in the ice latte and making us keep laughing. My first choice was Panama but unfortunately the bean finished already so I picked the Ethiopia Sidamo Washed Shakiso. It is strawberry at the beginning and ends with jasmine tea taste. I was sitting at the bar area to see the process but I was too shy to start any conversation with the barista.
Ethiopia Sidamo Washed Shakiso |
Coffee Snowman |
14.4 黄飞鸿之英雄有梦
目标明确 就是来看帅哥无误
听了五月天的 那么久 却迟迟没有多余的时间来让我这样好好做下来看一部戏,感谢之前Jason提醒了我关于 黄飞鸿之英雄有梦 我才会有这个Idea要看这部戏来打发我off day的漫漫长夜... 只有在Kuching才难得可以那么放松,放慢平时的脚步,打开laptop,看一部戏,感恩