Meow 7.0
7.0 It was my day off as usual, Tuesday, 8am 的闹钟居然让我赖床到11.45am才愿意起床, 因为肚子真的饿了... 毫无方向感又再很有自信的到处乱闯... My plan for my day off is always food, nothing else than that will be... After searching some famous food from food blog last night, I have some idea where to go, all of them were just a stone far from my work place. A well spent day with all awesome people.
7.1 猪肉沙爹 Pork Satay
One stick of the pork satay is 70 sen and I bought 5 sticks. Hehehe. It was well cook, a bit juicy, affordable price and nice sauce. 好吃! Usually I very less take sauce but i was tapau ing so they straight away put inside the same plastic bag. I enjoyed it!
Black Bean is serving Sarawak coffee bean with espresso machine, not the old school brewing type. Therefore I ordered a latte, it came in a big mug which the portion I can't finish and with a peanut biscuit at the side. The little pinch of salty from the biscuit go so right with the really bitter coffee. Yea it was dark roast coffee. I went into the shop and I realized they were selling yam biscuit as well! What a big big surprise for me, there was only one packet left, of course I bought it and I order two more from them and I will pick up the next day. Nowadays very hard to find yam biscuit, and I love it so much, even during Chinese New Year time , it isn't 100% that you can find it from the market.
7.3 人间茶坊 Life Cafe
The exterior of Life Cafe was attracted me. It looks like traditional yam cha place, with all red red lattern at outside. I saw Life Cafe from one of the blog which saying their fried dumpling is nice. The price of six piece dumpling cost RM9 has made me took long time to decide when looking at the menu, it is expensive la weyy. Anyway, at the end I still ordered the fried dumpling because I was lazy to choose and a red bean milk tea.
7.4 下午茶野餐 Picniq
After grocery shopping with Samantha, she decided to have lunch at Aladdin but it closed already. So we went to Picniq, their menu is interesting and serving different type of food. I ordered a Pandan Ice Cream Liquor while Samantha ordered a Nasi Lemak and piccolo latte. I looked at the price of my cocktail was just RM9.90, so I predicted there was just a dash of liquor added in, out of expectation it was so so so strong that I couldn't finish at all. hahaha and my face started to turn pink LOL
7.5 去帅哥家吃晚餐记 Ken's House
Thankyou Ken and Kiong invited me to join their family dinner. I felt so shyyy lahhh. All home cook dishes were so nice, especially the beef mushroom soup. Big Thumbs Up! Ken's house is quite far from the town. After reach his house, the first thing that Kiong asked me was, "u want to know wifi password or not?" hahahaha I refused at first I thought my personal mobile data can used who know the signal was quite low, then bo huat I still ask for the wifi password at last LOL. There was two cute kittens there!! Try to be not anti social because I was at Ken's home, hahahaa, so I play with the kittens. Ken's family was so friendly, good good no more shy hehe.
7.6 告白
好久没有被告白了... 虽然不是很清楚今天脑袋在想什么,像是当机,或许已经有喜欢的对象,或许也清楚对方是谁,种种迟疑,或许不太相信爱情... 让脑袋和酒精小小接触,想要逃避... 也不是每一次有好感就要去接受... 现在长大了,知道要去考虑就要认真,人们说爱就是跟着心走,我跟多了,都跌到了,这次决定跟着心,但带上脑袋... 我问了我的姐妹,虽然得到了支持,但我只想知道她们会不会陪着我无论我做了什么烂决定,我并没有很想很想和这个人在一起...所以我没有给他一个具体的答案,但像是拒绝了... 因为我懂他... 以前的我一定会被对方做一点感动的事而心动... 但是既然我没有那种很想很想很想和这个人在一起的冲动,就证明了一切... 还记得小学的时候有一个很流行的问题 : "ei, 你会选 爱你的 还是选 你爱的 当你的另一半啊?" 还不懂事的年纪,你猜我答了什么? 好多女生朋友都答了废话 当然是 我爱的啊 而我答了 爱我的... 21岁前可能都是选了那些爱我的,其实我内心是害怕的,害怕自己做的决定... 然而后面还是碰钉了,我遇到我爱的,我想要和他在一起的男生,我做了疯狂的事,我寄礼物给他,但只换来冷淡的谢谢... 不是什么事都会努力就有结果,尤其是爱情... 我有着复杂的感情观... 难以改变的事实.... 夜里因为喝酒头真的很疼,幸亏Sam有Panadol,吃了就睡着了...