Happy Birthday Ben Ben

Happy Birthday 生日快乐 Joyeux anniversaire saengaechukahamida 

Happy Birthday Ben! You are indeed a special friend for me. Thanks for treating me like your sister so much and always care about me... Same as you, I appreciate the moment we've spend together because we are going to seperate from each other very soon,perhaps after form six. January in next year might be our last piece of puzzle... I was surprised to realize I had only a piece of photo with you, promise me you will take more picture with me in next outing okay?

I knew your name without really knowing you quite a long time as Toto did mention you before. When I viewed back my old photos,I realized that we actually met each other before. Haha That was a countdown from 2010 to 2011,I am wondering that whether you will care if I post out the photo. Frankly, after seeing the "ancient" photo, I want to say that you've changed a lot physically. This is the truly compliment for you from the bottom of my heart. You are so handsome and charming now ! Sometimes, I would tease but seriously I'm merely pulling your leg, hope you won't mind. Well, of course I know you won't mind as you are a good-tempered person, however, in order to prevent any misunderstanding, I still wanna apologize in case my words have unintentionally hurt you. You treat every friend nicely and this is the main reason I like to mix with you. 

Anyway, we still have 5 more months to fight for our STPM and approximately 180 days for our Taiwan Trip.... Although the time is short, but the important thing is how we spend the time together right? The joyful and memorable of friendship is priceless. Don't forget our next destination which we've promised when we grow up okay?

I enjoy every single time when you wave hand with me when waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
I enjoy every time when toto,you and I are discussing the account so that we can pass up our homework the next day.
I enjoy gossiping with you and toto.
I enjoy the moment we are discussing about the Taiwan trip. The feeling is awesome as it seems like we just came back from there.

the good quality of time and memory will stay no matter how long.
Thanks for making me as your good friend. Same to me,you are my good friend too, forever and ever. Lastly, Happy Birthday to you ! May you have a blast and do enjoy your big day!


the card that Toto and I prepared for you, hope you like it! 
simple design for the blue colour envelope

sorry bro that I failed to make the mille crepe cake,so end up I baked a matcha red bean cake as your birthday cake... Haha I knew you tried to finish my cake,just joking with you at school XD

Happy Belated Birthday Jia Xin

去年你在外国所以就没有和你庆祝了... 今年你回来了! Happy Birthday Jia Xin! 生日快乐... 你随口说了你想要吃冰淇淋蛋糕,但是我没有注意听,原来你的家人也买了冰淇淋蛋糕... 结果你冰箱有了2粒吃不完的蛋糕,连我们这个也带不回了...  说真的这次差一点全员到齐,欣颖去了马六甲读书后就很少见到她了... 这次的稀客有Ah Jan! 想死你了! 每次约她,她都很忙... 这次终于舍得出现了,所以是九缺一...

7-7-2013 | Dessert First Cafe

生日快乐! 虽然没有在你生日当天跟你庆祝,但是你一定也收到我们的心意的!

由于宝进这种大咖太忙了,所以我们选了晚上来庆祝佳欣的生日,这样比较方便他... 本来在斟酌着去Raja Uda的 Gather's Cafe 还是Kampung Baru的 Dessirt First庆祝佳欣的生日,当然她本人不知道... 但最后还是选了Dessert First因为很多人都不知道怎么去 Gather's Cafe... 下午要去订蛋糕时,糗大了! 忘了带钱,只好付了一半的订金,晚上才去缴完剩下的余额... 其实我们是很刻意去把蛋糕藏起来,但是你知道的,我的灵鹿里明明就空间不大... 只好用障眼法咯... 其实佳欣也是很可爱的,下车时她完全没有看到蛋糕的存在,即使我们已经找位子坐下来后,她都没有发现... 直道... 热心的服务员来问我们,蛋糕要收在冰箱吗? 佳欣才察觉到蛋糕的存在! hahaha 只是不机灵的孩子... 是不是大家都有选择恐惧症? 花了好久的时间才决定要吃什么... 

我点了这杯 Mighty Berry Mountain RM7.90

没有等宝进,因为我们不懂他要忙到几点,所以就留了一大块蛋糕给他... 唱了生日歌,许愿,切蛋糕.. 虽然很久没有吃到冰淇淋蛋糕,但是对我而言,这玩意儿,没什么特别... JiaXin说没想到我们还会补庆祝,她以为这天只是 Gathering 而已... 真是的,JiaXin第一天认识我们? 没有搬那么大的节日来庆祝,真的是只有小猫两三只出席而已... haha,因为你的名字才看得到那么多人的 Gathering ok? 哈哈... 

与不喜欢拍照的她们难得有一张和她们的合照,坐在对面的倩惟更不喜欢拍照... 只有丑照被我们拼命收集,可以做合成图那种... hahaha 好啦,终于收到了宝进的电话,而我们则计划着去下一站... 伯公埕Tomyam Mee! 很好,没有开,大老远跑来了也回不去了... 只好坐在那儿聊天... 不是喝菊花茶就是喝薏米... 灌了整肚子水,这样才有力聊天是不是? 我们真的是聊天界里的奇葩,竟然在这种喂蚊子,被猫吓的情况下聊天,直到快要下雨... 但是大家才刚聊得正起劲呀... 最后只好到我的可怕的房间畅谈,最怕别人来我的家了... 真的不知道她们会看到我的房间后有多吃惊... 怀疑我这几年来是怎么活过来的 hahahhaa 聊呀聊,就到了1am... 宝宝们都应该回你们的窝睡觉咯... 哈哈,很期待下一次的聚会,只要不是我plan的就好... hahahaha

Welcome July

28-06-2013 哈哈佳欣回来那么多天了,真的是我有点忙,她有点忙,所以在她回来几天后才约到彼此... 那么巧我到她家时正播着 We Got Married Global! 在电视看又是HD真开心!! haha 看到这张照片是我就问她,你看我是不是看起来很小gok.. 哈哈 她就质问我为什么把头发剪得那么短... 看来她真的很久没看到我了.. 只能说很开心看到你回来!!

7月的第一天过得很有意义... 早上约好了和Ben去Stadium运动,但是我要到车上时,突然下起了大雨... 所以我就傻傻的在花园等雨停... 就知道的Ben这个人一定是很迟醒... 果然雨停了,刚刚好去载他... 今天走到脚破皮流血... 可是这次完全没有跑到,只是一直走一直走... 更好笑的是看到我的同班同学也去运动,jio她去早餐也不理我的啊... 哈哈,下午就去Seberang Prai Bandar Perda 的消防局,这次我们的assignment就是要面谈公家机关或者是私人企业的最高层... 而我们组选了消防局Bomba... Sir的人很好,我们没有压力的就把访谈搞定了... 他的电话铃声还是 2NE1的 I am the best... 真的是太兴奋了... 访谈结束时,Sir就没等我们说要拍照,自己就提议了,真的是很热情啊~ 他还送了我们一样纪念品,要我们转交给校方... 真的是太感激你了... 
除了正经事,我们当然安排了一些娱乐的部分,就是看电影啦~ 看了White House Down 和 Man of Steel ... White House Down 我本身给他的评价比1Man of Steel 来的高一些... White House Down 里面起码让我看到Jordon... Hahaha,戏里面有亲情也有搞笑成分,也很少冷场... Man of Steel 只是一味的一直打斗,还把整座城市毁掉,看不出意义在哪里...

Raja Uda with Toasters

welcome back Ee Von! 可惜Leon刚好在这天回KL... 听Yuyu说,Von想吃Tomyam面,所以就提早约了我们...

 首先我们先去Jusco 看 World War Z... 是一部很棒的僵尸片,很难的我可以稍微安静一点看完的戏... 如果太激烈或拼命吓人的戏反而我不是很喜欢,甚至我会尖叫... 为了力保自己的家人,一个人的力量会被激发成原本的好几倍... 故事里面有乐极生悲的以色列, 即使已经建筑了围墙来保护自己的人民... 但也在高歌庆祝时,吵闹的声音就惹到了丧尸像蚂蚁般爬进了安全区... 年轻的研究生也说了,大自然循环,每每都是一物克一物,往往弱点都是在最暴露的地方... 当然最后主角们是大团圆结局... 这次我们是使用TGV的buy 1 free 1 coupon所以每人才花费了 RM3 来看一部戏,还要是那么好看的戏,值得的说... Alex 看完戏就回家了,没有和我们一起去吃Tomyam

光华小学隔壁的Tomyam mee是我的最爱! 6点左右我们就抵达了,所以没有花很多时间来等... 

 想起上次看到Instagram子阳去的 Just Something (Art Space) 就让我想到了 second round 去哪里... 环境和设计都很好的一间咖啡厅.... 我们点了一壶薰衣草花茶... 里面有好多宝贝让我们拍照,所以我就抓了狂似的猛拍... 每个角落都很有性格,或许和老板人一样的有性格?



Just Something business hour 7.30pm - 12.00am

回家的路上,不幸的我们遇到了小小很小的车祸... yuyu, 真的是很抱歉哦

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