Miracle Youth Conference 2013

I'm ready to Miracle Youth Conference 2013!

Day 1
It was a raining day when we departed to Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang KL. The weather caused us late to UPM. We registered with fast speed, check-in, settle down our things and ran down to gathered at canteen. UPM has big campus, we have to take bus to hall to have our conference. After Briser la glacé ( ice breaking) session, we separated to 16 groups. I'm in fish group. Meet awesome facilitator from Egypt, Hesham. Let me try my best to introduce u guys my group member, my group leader - Joycelyn Leow, groupmates - JiaYing and JiaYong which is same age with me, MiaoFen, Sekkan which is jitsin lower six student, Joan which is youngest among us and she is from Kuantan. The first game we had was Go go running man, my leader fall down and injured her hand. After the tiring station game, we had our dinner right outside of the hall.

10pm we sent back to hostel by bus. We unpacked our luggage n put bed sheet and pillow case. I bought my lovely blanket along because I afraid that I can't sleep well at outside. The first night I didn't sleep well because of the mosquito and the temperature was too warm. As you know I can't sleep at outside as usual. Oh ya how come I forget to introduce you guys my superb roommates - Toto and Menessa! Three of us very enjoyed the night because it was like our university life. Our Supper is black pepper crab cup noodles, i bought cup noodles on the day before.
supper - black pepper crab cup noodles
Orange day

Day 2
Very special freshen up activity that I never thought before. There was 4 stations and each station will teach us a lesson by giving us a quote after we complete the task. Personally, I love the "Trust" game, we have to fall from a chair and our teammate will support us at below. It was really hard for me,the first time Hesham passed by and pushed me down... Ok well a good try but sorry lee jia ying that I hit your glasses... There was a second chance for us, I prepared and calm down myself but I still don't know how to fall from a chair so I jz move my step to the edge of the chair and pretending I really fall down. Dinner time, we have fun together and made Dexter laugh non stop, we should say that he was the only supporter of our drama. After Global village, we sent back to hostel on time. Yeah~ It's girls talk moment!


Day 3
The vege day, but too bad the lunch was too oily and made me don't want to finish it. After morning plenary, my group was separated to 4 parts for attend different topic talk by expert of each field. Jia Ying and I chose Solid waste and others went to biodiversity, energy and water resources. Toto and I chose the same topic too. The talk was given by Mr. Theng. I rmb I attended a talk few years ago which is organized by Youth Jam, that time I already aware the important of solid waste management. The speaker showed us a lot of landfills photo, you can't imagine that how many garbage you generate. Green forum totally made me feel bored, they skipped question from delegates and answer other things. Global village

Global village 2.0 - Egypt w/ Hesham

Day 4
Cool~ 3 of us overslept because my alarm didn't ring. I set my iPod to silent mode when I attended the speech day before. Ok it is field visiting, my choice to Cypark ! Unforturnately Toto's shoes was banned by OC, so she joint Menessa to Indah Water. The journey from UPM to Cypark was quite far, we chat with delegate from Hong Kong, she shared a lot of stories to us. Night time we have Talent Show! Menessa and Dexter sang a song. Gino have his magic show again hehe. An awesome night to remember.
We were all drunk

Day 5
Let pictures talk
-the drama-
Sugar cube - thankyou for leaving me a message :)
With the Chair - Thai Jin Yow
With the OCP - Lim Li Shan
with Fish
-the end-

Happy Birthday Cheng Hui

八月的第一天就有两位要好的朋友生日啦,但是欣颖人在马六甲,所以我们就只能在面子书上祝福她 <3 我们一定会在你出国之前和你聚一聚的~ 由于上个星期宝进和惟景兴致勃勃想要做寿司却因为没有材料而改成煮意大利面... 我妈妈特地去买了材料回来,而倩惟的生日又刚过,顺理成章的他们又要求要做寿司,真是不死心 haha... 没关系好玩就好

这次大家都很踊跃出席,但是迟到的迟到,早退的早退已经成为习惯haha加上现在是马来人斋戒月,许多道路都塞得水泄不通... 惟景在我家等到快在沙发上睡着了... 我也是因为他到我家没有得睡午觉,所以我们俩就在沙发上打瞌睡... 等呀等,佳欣终于到了,我们就到Billion百货市场选购食材... 没想到她买完材料就要赶回去载弟弟... 大忙人还是抽空来陪我们真是值得赞赏... 有惟景出现的地方就一定会吃东西... 一直吃吃吃,没完没了的吃.... 然后呢? 我们俩又在我家继续发呆,等待辛鸿和倩惟的到来... 

当他们到达时,我们就开始准备寿司要用到的材料了... 切洋葱,煎午餐肉.炸hashbrown,炸蟹柳,炒tuna,我们真是忙得满头大汗.而且外加整脸的油... 惟景很兴奋因为平时在家里没有得进厨房玩,所以就连油炸这份苦差他也能胜任... 而倩惟就一直躲在他身后当他背后的女人,其实她只是很怕被油喷到...在我忙着时,宝进竟然打电话来说:"对不起,我有事情不能来 @#%$#%@$U#%..." 没听完后面的话我就大骂然后把电话丢给惟景去解决他的好朋友... 原来我被整了,他已经在外面只是打来叫我开门而已... hahahaha... 等到佳欣回来时,时间刚刚好...最好玩的部分就是包寿司了,然而我每次都是在旁边当监督人员...  还有就是当cameragirl... 不是拍他们认真的样子,而是拍食物而已... Hahaha...

最后佳欣要陪家人吃饭先回了接着到宝进有要紧事... 很感谢辛鸿和倩惟帮我把所有的碗盘给洗完了... 然后我和惟景又喝花茶了...看来他已经上瘾了,连我妈妈都会问惟景是不是要喝花茶? 因为我们本来喝着煎茶,为了别让惟景失望,我们怎么可能不准备花茶呢? hahaha 我妈妈叫你扫地你有没有扫har? hahahaa~ 聊到11.30左右我们就散会啦~ 真是开心的一天


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