Meow 14.0

14.0 Second day off over here and had a food hunt with Samantha and Gary! Thankyou Narelle for forcing Gary to bring us out to have her favourite food! I was teasing by Gary and Samantha because I get high on eating Gong Pia.

14.1 China House Kuching #chinahousek
While waiting Gary to come China House, I was really hungry because never had my breakfast yet. So I ordered Hokkien Spaghetti in the menu which I really want to try long time ago. I was keep recommended this to customer even I never try this but I felt it worth a try. Why not? Noodles is my all time favourite!

14.2 Song Kheng Hai Food Court
Gary ordered all those famous food for us which was Narelle recommended. 我自己选了个人会回头去吃的Top3是 : Gong Pia , Tomato Crispy Noodles and CocoCane ! 对第一次买到很难咽下去的Gong Pia是抱有很大的偏见, 所以我并没有冲动去点Gong Pia. 真的多谢Gary动作够快不然我都快去说我不要吃这个了... 差一点擦肩而过... 我的天 真的太好吃了,吃了会上瘾,而且不腻! 我没想那么多就立刻再多点了cheese口味的Gong Pia来试,拜托不要放希望,不要浪费时间... 没什么特别,但是也好吃只是少了点什么... 我和Samantha毫不犹豫就外带20个 不管要请谁吃或自己吃完,买就对了,绝不放过!! 对于Tomato Crispy Noodle 我没什么印象我之前吃过吗? 但是在这里工作期间我吃过Zul煮的staff meal, 他的汤底原来比外面的甜那么多,如果没有在外面吃到我真的会觉得他煮的是正常的甜度...
CocoCane = Coconut + Sugar Cane Juice
Belacan Bihun

Rojak Sotong

Sio Bi

Gong Pia

Tomato Crispy Noodles

Cheese Gong Pia 

One more please. Thanks to Samantha

14.3 Earthlings 
询问了同事有哪几间Kuching比较有实力的cafe,他们就介绍了Earthlings给我... 很详细的menu,对我而言以卖咖啡为主的咖啡馆就应该要有这种主打的饮料和豆子... Samantha was attracted by Coffee Snowman because of its description : Vanilla ice-cream bathed in ice latte topped with cocoa powder. hahahaha, she said that make sure the vanilla ice cream is BATHED in the ice latte and making us keep laughing. My first choice was Panama but unfortunately the bean finished already so I picked the Ethiopia Sidamo Washed Shakiso. It is strawberry at the beginning and ends with jasmine tea taste. I was sitting at the bar area to see the process but I was too shy to start any conversation with the barista. 

Ethiopia Sidamo Washed Shakiso

Coffee Snowman

14.4 黄飞鸿之英雄有梦
目标明确 就是来看帅哥无误 
听了五月天的 那么久 却迟迟没有多余的时间来让我这样好好做下来看一部戏,感谢之前Jason提醒了我关于 黄飞鸿之英雄有梦 我才会有这个Idea要看这部戏来打发我off day的漫漫长夜... 只有在Kuching才难得可以那么放松,放慢平时的脚步,打开laptop,看一部戏,感恩

Meow 12.0 and Meow 13.0

12.0 下定决心说要运动的我终于在今天成功的踏出门,但是跑没有一下就感觉地心引力很重... 看到椅子就莫名的坐下到底是不是老了的迹象... Kuching的风景很美,就算坐在路边的长椅上也是很享受,车子不多,扰乱不了我的思绪 逛了便利商店买了饮用水和杯面后就回旅馆梳洗准备工作.... 这样的早晨不算浪费掉,可以发呆,多么奢侈... Good Morning! 

12.1 Life Cafe 决定再来第二次很安静又有电源插座的人间茶坊
虽然环境真的还不错但是他们播放的音乐有种催眠的感觉。同事介绍我这里的麻辣面不错所以就点了一份来试一试。和想象中的麻辣面差的有点远,虽然好吃但不到那种非吃不可的境界。面的口感弹牙我喜欢,但至于麻辣的部分就对我而言这叫酸辣,吃到这碗面不禁让我想念CF 的板面,我想要先在搭飞机回去吃!! (夸张的) 店员一样要理不理的继续玩手机和聊天,我就打开laptop 开始慢慢写 blog.... 

12.2 How to define a barista life? 咖啡师只是一场梦
先不要问我对咖啡的热忱和热情,不要和我谈梦想,不要问我咖啡师薪水多少,先让我深呼吸把这些被子洗完呗... 忙碌也过一天,清闲也一天,但是忙比较刺激的说....

13.0 Everyone will have their kind of Monday Blue. I usually don't have because work as a barista or in F&B line, we pray hard weekend end faster. 没有蓝色星期一的我们,带着轻松的心情去上班希望会是一个美好的星期... 

13.1 孩子,这只是雨天,你得相信会放晴的 
没有下雨很久的槟城,你们还好吗? 在古晋不是阴天就是雨天很凉爽,不要太羡慕... 虽然不是很喜欢下雨天的我,也是会有享受的一天... Samantha and I send our clothes to laundry and walk in the rain, I was so lucky that John left his poncho for me so my dress didn't get wet but shoes yes. John叔叔就是那么疼我,不要羡慕嫉妒恨... 

13.2 Crispy Pork  烧猪肉!
It was Michie's off day but he was so so so lovely and being caring to us because he brought us this!! ASTAGAA!! It is crispy pork, drive me really crazy lahhhh, everyday makan chicken I already so sien liao... 

13.3 Drunk Monkey 
Having fun with Sam, Samantha, Gary and Robert after work at Drunk Monkey. It is a bar near to our work place which located at Carpenter Street and they have the craziest bartender over there. Damn they ordered this for me, one shot of Bailey's and for sure I can't finish it.... Make it become a milkshake can kah? 

Meow 10.0 and 11.0

10.1 Kucing in Kuching #chinahousek
穿工人装工作感觉心情美美哒 MEOW
10.2 Instant Japanese Curry Udon
感谢 Samantha 帮我煮

10.3 Lok Lok
离不开 KOLOK 面 ·|   宵夜  炒Kolok面

11.1 Espresso 即熟悉又陌生的朋友
接到电话要我提早去China House 花上了一个小时半 喝了不知道多少杯浓缩 都还是失败了

11.2 Picniq 
Tempur-AAred Mushroom Burger 慰劳已受创的心灵 还有弥补快要被浓缩给弄穿的胃

有冷气吹 没有人和我抢wifi 不写blog哪里对得起自己?

Meow 8.0 and 9.0

9.1 新泉春茶室 Sin Chong Choon Kopitiam
Thankyou Judith bring Sheila and I to have breakfast as I requested to try the best Teh C Peng in Kuching. Judith chose her favourite Teh C Peng which at Sin Chong Choon Kopitiam, it was really nice and smooth Teh C Peng I had in Kuching! Before I stepped in this kopitiam I told myself not to have Kolo Mee today, must try something new but end up I still ordered Kolo Mee add wantan because not many choice over there. We ordered some dim sum for sharing too, Kuching people start their day quite early so when we arrived there, there only left 3 types of dimsum let us choose and we picked two. Before left the kopitiam, I take away some gong pia which was not nice at all, the smell and the texture make me lost my appetite to eat it. 

Teh C Peng
Dim Sum


9.2 Ken & Kiong 我的两位好朋友辞职了
与其把他们归类在同事,我更希望把他们归类在好朋友... 打从出来社会,没有什么期待同事可以当朋友这种事... 但是Ken和Kiong却让我那么的不舍... 今天我带了laptop到Reading Room写blog和edit一些照片,我在远方看到了他们在sign out,我看了很久,很纠结,我不知道该说什么... 鼓起勇气上前寒暄了几句,老早有心理准备他们俩要离开,但是内心还是觉得好好好不舍,一想起没有人陪我爬山,少了他们两个嘲笑我眼光不好不会选男朋友,少了他们笑我的大腿粗,少了他们两个疼我,我又伤心了.... 很简单的说了再见,想要跟他们抱抱又觉得别扭... 工作的两年里,我都习惯了他们的存在... 不只他们, Jerwigs, Chee, Syahrul, Evon, Ken, Kiong, Gabriel, 还有当我在Kuching时没有告别就消失的Yoke... 还有曾经离开China House一阵子的Jim... 或许老同学们,好姐妹们都在读大学,而陪伴我的多数都是他们... 谢谢他们让我远离勾心斗角的世界... 但是怎么说都好,我从来都是尊重他们的决定的... 离开哪里有需要谁开口挽留的道理... 祝他们的背包旅行计划顺利进行!!

9.3 ZE Kiosk, Waterfront
It was rarely listened that I want to have rice as my supper but it happen today, once in the blue moon. I had my dinner quite early, around 10pm I was started to bising everyone that I'm hungry, so I decided to have the fried nasi lemak at ZE Kiosk which John n Sheila highly recommended for supper. But Sam and Samantha don't like that place. Anyway, it won't change my mind of having this. Hahaha. I ordered a Nasi Lemak Goreng with Ayam Goreng but unfortunately the chicken was finished so they replaced with fried prawn. The nasi lemak was fried with egg, the sambal was abit sweet and not so spicy ( totally my type, im not spicy food fans), a fried egg and a large portion of fried prawn, the important part was it was served HOT,freshly made, the fragrant of rice attracted me a lot. It was grateful to have hot food during supper time especially I was so so so tired and Sheila not even have energy to walk back hotel. We sit at the riverside for quite long until we both have mood to remove ourselves from the chair. I can not imagine that I actually finished the whole plate of fried rice, kinda proud, clap for myself!! It was really delicious and I willing to come back for the fried nasi lemak. 

8.1 Azza Burger 
I bungkus a hotdog special ( egg + cheese ) and it came with burger round bun. hahahaha so cute because I expected it came in a hotdog long bun. hahahahaha, after having the hotdog in the room with aircond, I sleep very well. hahahaha 

Meow 7.0

7.0  It was my day off as usual, Tuesday, 8am 的闹钟居然让我赖床到11.45am才愿意起床, 因为肚子真的饿了... 毫无方向感又再很有自信的到处乱闯... My plan for my day off is always food, nothing else than that will be... After searching some famous food from food blog last night, I have some idea where to go, all of them were just a stone far from my work place. A well spent day with all awesome people.

7.1 猪肉沙爹 Pork Satay 
One stick of the pork satay is 70 sen and I bought 5 sticks. Hehehe. It was well cook, a bit juicy, affordable price and nice sauce. 好吃! Usually I very less take sauce but i was tapau ing so they straight away put inside the same plastic bag. I enjoyed it! 

7.2 黑豆咖啡 Black Bean
Black Bean is serving Sarawak coffee bean with espresso machine, not the old school brewing type. Therefore I ordered a latte, it came in a big mug which the portion I can't finish and with a peanut biscuit at the side. The little pinch of salty from the biscuit go so right with the really bitter coffee. Yea it was dark roast coffee. I went into the shop and I realized they were selling yam biscuit as well! What a big big surprise for me, there was only one packet left, of course I bought it and I order two more from them and I will pick up the next day. Nowadays very hard to find yam biscuit, and I love it so much, even during Chinese New Year time , it isn't 100% that you can find it from the market.

7.3 人间茶坊 Life Cafe
The exterior of Life Cafe was attracted me. It looks like traditional yam cha place, with all red red lattern at outside. I saw Life Cafe from one of the blog which saying their fried dumpling is nice. The price of six piece dumpling cost RM9 has made me took long time to decide when looking at the menu, it is expensive la weyy. Anyway, at the end I still ordered the fried dumpling because I was lazy to choose and a red bean milk tea.

7.4 下午茶野餐 Picniq
After grocery shopping with Samantha, she decided to have lunch at Aladdin but it closed already. So we went to Picniq, their menu is interesting and serving different type of food. I ordered a Pandan Ice Cream Liquor while Samantha ordered a Nasi Lemak and piccolo latte. I looked at the price of my cocktail was just RM9.90, so I predicted there was just a dash of liquor added in, out of expectation it was so so so strong that I couldn't finish at all. hahaha and my face started to turn pink LOL 

7.5 去帅哥家吃晚餐记 Ken's House
Thankyou Ken and Kiong invited me to join their family dinner. I felt so shyyy lahhh. All home cook dishes were so nice, especially the beef mushroom soup. Big Thumbs Up! Ken's house is quite far from the town. After reach his house, the first thing that Kiong asked me was, "u want to know wifi password or not?" hahahaha I refused at first I thought my personal mobile data can used who know the signal was quite low, then bo huat I still ask for the wifi password at last LOL. There was two cute kittens there!! Try to be not anti social because I was at Ken's home, hahahaa, so I play with the kittens. Ken's family was so friendly, good good no more shy hehe.

7.6 告白
好久没有被告白了... 虽然不是很清楚今天脑袋在想什么,像是当机,或许已经有喜欢的对象,或许也清楚对方是谁,种种迟疑,或许不太相信爱情... 让脑袋和酒精小小接触,想要逃避... 也不是每一次有好感就要去接受... 现在长大了,知道要去考虑就要认真,人们说爱就是跟着心走,我跟多了,都跌到了,这次决定跟着心,但带上脑袋... 我问了我的姐妹,虽然得到了支持,但我只想知道她们会不会陪着我无论我做了什么烂决定,我并没有很想很想和这个人在一起...所以我没有给他一个具体的答案,但像是拒绝了... 因为我懂他... 以前的我一定会被对方做一点感动的事而心动... 但是既然我没有那种很想很想很想和这个人在一起的冲动,就证明了一切... 还记得小学的时候有一个很流行的问题 : "ei, 你会选 爱你的 还是选 你爱的 当你的另一半啊?"  还不懂事的年纪,你猜我答了什么? 好多女生朋友都答了废话 当然是 我爱的啊 而我答了 爱我的... 21岁前可能都是选了那些爱我的,其实我内心是害怕的,害怕自己做的决定... 然而后面还是碰钉了,我遇到我爱的,我想要和他在一起的男生,我做了疯狂的事,我寄礼物给他,但只换来冷淡的谢谢... 不是什么事都会努力就有结果,尤其是爱情... 我有着复杂的感情观... 难以改变的事实.... 夜里因为喝酒头真的很疼,幸亏Sam有Panadol,吃了就睡着了...

Meow 5.0 and 6.0

5.1 忧郁色调的袜子 H&M Socks
由于我是一个懒惰的人,所以我连袜子通常都是一次买很多而且清一色都是黑色的,那么就算不见或者是配着不同边也不察觉也无所谓... H&M 就是有那种7双都是全黑的,所以我一直都是买他们的袜子... 出门前才发现把袜子穿完了,所以走去了Plaza Merdeka补货, 但这次决定来点不一样的,决定买这个忧郁色调系列的袜子,让袜子可以随着心情而决定穿什么颜色... 

5.2 鱼柳堡 Supper Mcdonald
Sheila and I walked 15 mins to the nearest Mcdonald to have our supper. I ordered a fillet o fish set, the fries were the old batch which cold and soggy, the burger bread was chewy which I felt it was like a bagel. It made me miss Penang a lot because I used to have Mcd as my supper but the Mcd here was disappointed me! 

6.1 洗衣店 My Express Laundry
由于我们住的旅馆有点难晒衣服,而且冷气房里衣服也比较难干,所以决定了到附近的洗衣店解决... 3kg 才 RM12, 服务好, 感觉上就觉得满值得... 早上拿去,下午split shift去就已经好了,有香喷喷的衣服穿,心情真好...

6.2 犹豫很久才买的Waffle |  Magic Bite
问了同事三次,最后因为看到staff meal不是很想吃加上同事的怂恿,最后还是花钱买来吃了... 口味依旧,花生酱加上牛油的Waffle! 才RM2,80 一点都不贵

Meow 4.0

4.1 睡过头 Overslept
I closed my alarm and fall asleep again. This happened quite often after the first year I joint China House, I think my body was spoilt badly. Woke up time was like 20 mins before work and I showered quickly and went to work.

4.2 熄灯一小时 Earthhour
Due to China House Kuching is too big, if we really want to switch off the light then we have to waste a lot of candles as well, so management had decided not going to join the Earth Hour.

4.3 Sam
Sam is sick. 忙着工作的女王还是会倒下的.... 也是一个病了才肯乖乖听话多喝水的大姑娘... 真是的... Drink more water pleaseee and take care yourself.

4.4 松興肉粥 Porridge
Followed all the colleagues to have supper after work which is Sam, Samantha, Sheila, Paulus, Michie, Gary and ROBERT. A very first time to eat with Robert seriously. As I have no idea what to order so I just simply followed what Sam's order. The portion of porridge was so big, it was tooo full for a supper but it just cost me RM4.50. Thanks Michie went to queue up for the Gula Apong Ice Cream, it was nice! Unfortunately, I was thinking to have to ice cream with topping of nuts but it finished already so end up with cornflakes.

Meow 3.0

3.0 I was waking up early in the morning to have breakfast with Ken and Kiong, there is not much time for us to chit chat like last time because they are going to resign soon. I definately will miss them soooo much. I used to spend my break time with them. They are really good pastry chef I meet, full with passion when they making desserts even it is like repeating the same steps everyday. Hats off to them!

3.1 Laksa Chicken
不知道该点什么好, 就听说Sarawak Laksa跟我们槟城的差很多,所以就点了一个来试一试... 果然不是我杯茶... 不辣不酸,一般般,一半半... 然后不是laksa粉 而是米粉... The price range of food over here is slightly higher than Penang, my laksa chicken was RM6.

3.2 逛街 Plaza Merdeka - Everrise
Sheila and I went to Everrise bought some grocery stuff and also cup noodles, I was wondering why there is no tomyam flavour Mamee everywhere! Tell la me why~ Btw, I need to buy my hair shampooo too who call me to forget ya, Head&Shoulder for me no more Ma Cherie, sad sad . 90% stuff here is more expensive than Penang, so I don't have any mood to buy unnecessary thing or snacks. We went back hotel quickly because the weather was quite hot.

3.3 长途电话 Jerwigs
I was laying on bed during my split shift break, almost fall asleep. Suddenly my hp ring, was guessing that will be a call from outlet or my mom. I answered the call and it was JERWIGSS OMG!! I was updating her all those wind wind rain rain happened this half year. Seriously I missed her all the time because she was always accompany me to eat supper after work,and the one complaint my driving skills a lot and of course her annoying way to talk during work. Faster come back we go eat Azuma with Chee and John!! Thankyou for the call too, I appreciate it a lot!

3.4 杯面 Mamee
Yea, Cup noodles doesn't provide any nutrition or energy for me, BUT it provides mentally support for me after work. If you know what I mean. Just have a simple supper with Sheila inside our room because we were really tired today. Good night Peepooos, Thanks God Its Friday NIGHT, and I can sleep well now after busy night to entertain all those people who like tgif so much LOL

Meow 2.0

2.0 I'm having split shift for this week, which is start at 11am-3pm and end at 6pm-11pm, 9 hours. It will be a challenge for me because the period I need to be focus is longer than usual I have in Penang. 

2.1 住宿 Kuching Waterfront Lodge
Surprisingly, they provide us such good accommodation, we are staying at Kuching Waterfront Lodge. The location of the hotel is strategic which is 5 mins walk to China House Kuching, there is a lot of food during day time and near to Plaza Merdeka. Sheila is my roommate.   

2.2 早安磨豆机 Good Morning
As John went back to Penang, so I have to bear the responsibility to assist Kuching staff of taking bar. First thing you come to work is make coffee for Narelle, Robert and Chef Yan. Luckily I bought my own milk pitcher from Penang, so I make smoother foam than yesterday! What a cheerful moment for me! You can see the temperature here is pretty chill from the screen. I heard that Penang was having 39 degree, everyone drink more water please!! 

2.3 外带 Burger King
Seriously not nice, black listed Burger King lol Staff meal was fried yellow noodles and I didn't eat that so decided to get a fast food from Plaza Merdeka. Unfortunately there is no McD there, so my choice is only Burger King. Service was worse than so so but not really that bad, 有些翻白眼而已 小翻... 

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