
亲爱的电脑我回来了! 终于把最后一科的重考也都给熬过去了,还在为Econ煎熬的朋友们加油哦! 考试这段日子我真的都快疯了...

考完试及毕业顾名思义就是你已加入失业族群了... haha是啊,所以很快速的就给自己找了一份工作. 去了趟他们的training课程,所以这个星期六就开工了!

本以为开始放假就会很积极地做早餐给自己吃,没想到在考试期间反而更积极了... 或许是想逃避和消磨那些应该用来读书的时光...
Garlic Bread | Mashed Potato | Honey Lemon
Creampuff | Kinderbueno | CoffeebeanReadyCoffee
Ham&Egg Sandwich | GrilledTomato | WarmHoneyLemon
假期当然少不了煲剧,虽然脱离电视保姆好久了,但是这若是要旧情复燃可是区区几分钟的事情... 我对港剧的热忱是大大减少了,反倒是对韩剧有了新的看法... 不过让我守在电视前的绝对非703与727这两个频道莫属...

最近刚看完的新加坡戏 揭秘... 虽然内容有点猜得到而且结尾又是cliffhanger... 不过整体来说是很吸引我的... 与其看太过梦幻的台湾偶像剧我还真的比较喜欢这种查案子的戏,至少我会把每一集都看完... 这部戏与之前的千方百计是同一系列的,女主角同样是刘子绚...

随着The Inheritors的风,我也在追看继承者们! 比想象中好看太多了,是不是生活太干了呀? hahahaha 竟然沉溺在爱情剧里 XD 虽然是真的太不符合现实,但是真的太好看了~ 在戏里我最喜欢的情侣就是Yoon Chan-yong和Lee Bo-na... 不过男女主角Kim Tan和Cha Eun-sang也是很赞啦~ 两个都很可爱还有夸张到不行的浪漫让我在电脑前一直看到哭得稀里哗啦... 

趁Secret Recipe的Buy1Free1 结束前,我就约了XinHong陪我去吃蛋糕... 心情似乎有点糟,但也说不上什么,所以就来吃吃蛋糕,看看朋友,聊聊天,才不会在家里闲着overthinking... 

A surprise video for the Libras

The director and the planner of this video is Xinhong this time! It was hard to listen that he want to prepare something and he did really carry out the plan. He planned to do a surprise video for the Libra babies : Zhongyu, Weiphang and Huangteik. After he inbox me the idea of the video at facebook so we started to set the date and venue to record the video and invited some toasters to join the video. Everything was keep secretly until the day we want to record the video, we chose the wrong place and we met Huangteik on the spot, oh my gosh! Plan spoilt? Yea we do really think so,because it was kinda weird when Huangteik noticed us Bojio and some toasters gathered together without him. Actually we got inform Huiting to not let Huangteik met us around school. Life is full of challenge because there is a word called BUT....

After he left, we changed place to record the video to avoid met another birthday boy, Zhongyu. So? We went to Koko house and spent sometime to call Yuanmin join our plan because not everyone know that he came back from Singapore. Ok, Koko and Cheeyee tried out many angle and at last decided to put the camera stand on the stairs. I was the white mouse to let them checked outcome of video recording,i keep spin here and there. Haha after set up everything did not mean that we can start record our video smoothly because we keep NG. Ughhh... They did not understand the first character which was ME need to spin how many times and just keep NG like nobody business. Ok la just kidding I didnt angry that time but just very uncomfortable in the school uniform. Recording video with a bunch of friends was really enjoy,ermm unless we didn't take our lunch. hahaha~ everyone was like rushing back home and want to eat their lunch badly. Guess how long we spend for the 2 minute short video? hahaha It took more than 3 hours! hahahaa ! We were lack of experience in recording video and we want a perfect OneShot video. Thanks Toto kept encourage some shy toaster and suggested them some movement.

The day we went the Summer Place, one of the plan was record the part for Leon, Hitomi and Liox. Koko brought Huangteik, Weiphang, Toto and Alex to buy some beverage for our steamboat. Yea create a chance to let me finish my secret mission. After the first experience, I finished the video in short period, Weeee~ Clapss for them because they were full of creativity to create a ZOOMBIE style in the video. Perhaps the side effect of watching World War Z?

Editing video is always my job because I like to do so! Before that, I collected some photo from other toasters who unable to join the video because they study at other place or overseas. Xinhong and I changed the plan many times due to we not sure about who will come back to Penang join us and the plan we wished KL toasters can carry out also failed because Koko came back to Penang. Hahaha. So struggled when make decsion because we want it be nice. It was transform from Plan A to Plan B,C,D,E and so on. hahaha. There was couple weeks to prepare and couple days to edit the video. Xinhong and Koko came to my house to give me idea and support me while I editing the video. Thankyou for giving me so much advise and support my spirit so I didnt give up when I meet some problem. Thankyou Cheeyee and Liox too when I met the BIGGEST problem, I CANNOT SAVE THE VIDEO !! All the files was too heavy because we used DSLR to record our video, I love the quality but too bad I have to save it in lower quality. REDO the video again was what I only can try because it was the deadline for uploading video.

Another crazy part of the plan was collect 300 likes for the surprise video... Hahahaa. Thankyou everyone who press the like button for the video! Thankyou toasters to join the video too. We got 263 likes =D

Lastly, it was a late post but I hope you guys won't forget about this memorable surprise video. Happy Birthday to Yuyu, Pong and Dede once again! Stay happy always! Toasters love you guys, less than three. Sorry Zhongyu, DONT KNOW WHO jio you to ponteng on your birthday so I didnt manage to wish you happy birthday that day. It was excited that Pong backed from Kampar but too bad he went back before his birthday. Dede disappointed because we didnt celebrate with you? Mou sad okay? Hope the surprise video made your day =D

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